
TW Running

TW Running started in February 2020 and is coached by Ben Wilen who is a…

The group meet on a Monday evening at 7pm and a Saturday morning at 8am with each session lasting for an hour. The sessions are challenging and varied and work towards improving stamina, strength and technique in running. The sessions are a lot of fun and foster a brilliant team morale. Since TW Running began our members have taken part in many local running events including the cross country series, the Guernsey half marathon and the Guernsey marathon.

Members of TW Running are all part of a private Facebook group where session locations and homework runs are posted. However there are also often messages saying “In a moment of madness, I have just signed up for {insert race of choice here}. Who’s with me?” which usually encourage most members to follow suit. You have been warned!

If this sounds like something you would be interested in please contact Tom. Your first session is free and he will let you know where the session will be held.

“I joined TW Running in October 2020. I was keen to try and boost my confidence in a group environment and it has done exactly that and far ore for me! I went from being very nervous attending the first session, to within three weeks of joining, feeling confident enough to be part of one of the relay teams that Tom had entered into the Guernsey Marathon and actually genuinely enjoying it! And this is all thanks to the kind, encouraging, friendly and knowledgable bunch at TW Running!

Tom couldn’t have been more approachable and encouraging when I first contacted him and I felt at ease that I would quite likely enjoy it, so I went along and have been to almost every session since! Ben, the main coach, will plan and tailor the sessions to your current fitness and ability whilst also pushing you enough to progress. You are guaranteed to walk away after every session feeling satisfied that you have work hard and have achieved what was set out for you, all whilst having a good giggle in what is a very encouraging, fun, family-like environment. You will only ever hear positive praise and encouragement. Everyone supports and helps one another and that is what stood out for me the most! You couldn’t ask to meet a nicer group of people to enjoy and progress you running with together!” O. Smith